Goal: Publish Liferay services as JAX-WS API
Problem: JAX-WS is supported by each app server differently.
Imagine having:
* JAX-WS 2.0, 2.1 and 2.2
* GlassFish, Tomcat + TCat, JBoss, IBM WAS, Oracle WLS
* Several version of each app server/container are certified / supported (see https://www.liferay.com/services/support/support-matrix)
Solution: Isolate JAX-WS implementation using ClassLoaders.
Here comes OSGi which can load whatever JAR files we want and separate the implementation from app server class loaders.
* use OSGi
Not all JAX-WS frameworks can work correctly in OSGi and can be loaded by OSGi correctly.
+ we need WS-Security* enabled JAX-WS framework
Solution: Small analysis, CXF wins
Most common JAX-WS frameworks are (alphabetically):
* Axis2
* Metro (reference implementation)
Prepared for OSGi are:
1, CXF
2, Axis2
Both support WS-Security into some degree, CXF seems to be better, has full JUnit security tests.
Google popularity:
* axis2 problem: 445 000 hits
* cxf problem: 594 000 hits
* jax-ws problem: 4 200 000 hits :D
* use OSGi
* use CXF
Problem: CXF doesn't work in other OSGi implementations
CXF 2.x works correctly with Apache Karaf + Apache Aries for Blueprint.
CXF 2.x declares many extension points using Blueprint XML namespaces, if Apache Aries is not available, CXF fails to load.
See: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-5703
Solution: Use CXF 3.0 Beta
It's rather a workaround, CXF still tries to register custom namespaces using Aries.
If Aries is not found then continue, but CXF extensions are not available from Blueprint XML:
Jul 02, 2014 2:48:44 PM org.apache.cxf.bus.blueprint.NamespaceHandlerRegisterer register
WARNING: Aries Blueprint packages not available. So namespaces will not be registered
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/aries/blueprint/NamespaceHandler
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(ClassLoader.java:800)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.defineClass(DefaultClassLoader.java:188)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.defineClassHoldingLock(ClasspathManager.java:638)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.defineClass(ClasspathManager.java:613)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findClassImpl(ClasspathManager.java:574)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findLocalClassImpl(ClasspathManager.java:492)
at org.eclipse.osgi.baseadaptor.loader.ClasspathManager.findLocalClass(ClasspathManager.java:465)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.baseadaptor.DefaultClassLoader.findLocalClass(DefaultClassLoader.java:216)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findLocalClass(BundleLoader.java:395)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClassInternal(BundleLoader.java:464)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:421)
at org.eclipse.osgi.internal.loader.BundleLoader.findClass(BundleLoader.java:412)
=> CXF must be configured programatically.
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
Problem: Some JAR files are not OSGi bundles, installation of CXF into container is complicated
Solution: Use custom install file
Worth noting - works only on my environment :D
* use OSGi
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
Problem: Unresolved optional dependencies, that are not optional :)
CXF with JAX-WS and WS-Security = many bundles.
Because WS-Security is optional, it's not loaded when it's missing / installed later.
To resolve all bundles it takes non-trivial effort that ends with unresolved optional Import package references.
Solution: Trial-error bundle loading to satisfy all optional import packages
1, use "diag" command from gogo console!
2, enable debug in Equinox to see what has been imported and what keeps unresolved
The file content:
Result: (for now) gogo-console script
Should be: a one-time install package like Apache Karaf features
* use OSGi
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
Problem: To declare security used by JAX-WS we need WS-Policy but we don't have WSDL and existing OSGi services doesn't have JAX-WS @Policy annotations.
Solution: Use External Policy Attachments for WS-Policy
Let's configure CXF to map external policies onto JAX-WS services.
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
Problem: CXF doesn't support WS-Policy external attachments to be configured programatically
CXF's ExternalAttachmentProvider class doesn't have public constructor and is created only as Spring bean (called by Apache Aries).
Solution: Create a OSGi fragment and fix the provider so that it can be used outside the package.
* use OSGi
Prototype: How dynamically apply external policy XMLs to existing services?
1, Configure external policy file using patched ExternalAttachmentsProvider
2, Enrich default external policy to be able to dynamically match services
=> Create CXF extension
* CXF extension description META-INF/cxf/bus-extensions.txt
* + DomainExpression builder prototype that is able to apply policies on the service / service parts
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
* use a OSGi fragment to fix ExternalAttachmentsProvider
Prototype: How dynamically apply external policy XMLs to existing services?
1, Configure external policy file using patched ExternalAttachmentsProvider
2, Enrich default external policy to be able to dynamically match services
=> Create CXF extension
* CXF extension description META-INF/cxf/bus-extensions.txt
* + DomainExpression builder prototype that is able to apply policies on the service / service parts
* use OSGi
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
* use a OSGi fragment to fix ExternalAttachmentsProvider
* use a custom CXF extension to dynamically map services to external policy file
Problem: OSGi services are not complatible with JAX-WS
Services don't have JAX-WS @WebService annotation which is required by JAX-WS
Solution: Use Javassist to generate new interface with @WebService annotation and dynamic proxy to apply the annotated interfaces on the existing service
* use OSGi
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
* use a OSGi fragment to fix ExternalAttachmentsProvider
* use a custom CXF extension to dynamically map services to external policy file
* use Javassist and dynamic proxies to add @WebService annotation
Problem: OSGi services are not JAXB friendly.
Types that services use may not be easily marshallable, but OSGi services doesn't support JAXB annotation.
JAXB is not able to generate XSD into WSDL to correctly describe types and interfaces used in the methods.
Solution: Generate type wrappers so that JAXB is able to marshall interfaces and unknown types.
The type wrappers are used instead of original types. When the type cannot be wrapped I ignored the type => the whole web method.
I got some first working prototype.
* use OSGi
Problem: CXF is not able to generate correct WSDL from java proxies
The whole solution with dynamic proxies is bad. CXF doesn't want to create WSDL based on the annotation interface. It inspects the actual class and defined methods ... doesn't work with dynamic proxies.
Solution: Throw out dynamic proxies and generate services wrapper class using Javassist.
The prototype is semi-working, see further.
* use OSGi
Problem: ClassLoading problems
* ClassNotFoundException ... generated classes are loaded by a different classloader
* ClassCastException ... bundle classes are loaded twice, once inside generated classes and once using bundle classloader
Solution: We need custom ClassPool and class loader for defining classes that see all services & bundles classes.
Liferay AggregateClassLoader with WeekReferences is the perfect fit for bundle classloaders that will be dynamically added and removed when OSGi service is registered / removed.
We also need strictly delegating ClassLoader for instantiating CtClasses, because we don't override existing classes.
=> JaxWsClassPool with custom ClassLoader having AggregateClassLoader as parent.
This way generated classses are stored in the custom ClassLoader, existing classes are found using parent classloader - AggregateClassLoader which holds references to bundles' ClassLoaders.
Problem: method.getClass().getPackage() == null for generated classes???
CtClass.toClass() only creates the class object, but not package object. We can use javassist.Loader class loader to generate the package. See https://community.jboss.org/thread/93814?start=0&tstart=0
But, CtClass.toClass() calls directly ClassLoader.define() methods using reflection API => javassist.Loader.findClass() that creates the package object is not called => package is not created.
1. We cannot call CtClass.toClass() directly, but ClassPool.getClassLoader().findClass(CtClass.getName()).
2, We need our strict loading ClassLoader to be javassist.Loader:
JaxWsClassPool -> DelegatingLoader (extends javasssist.loader) -> AggregatedClassLoader (references bundles class loaders)
Problem: Primitive conversion: auto-boxing doesn't work using Javassist compiler.
Solution: We need to correctly cast types and convert them so that they match method signatures :/
Ends up in another working prototype
* use OSGi
Problem: Type wrappers with auto-boxed primitives cannot be used as original type instances.
There is a clash between a type wrapper implementing original type (model class) and the original type.
Having primitive field "int", the type Wrapper has Integer => getInt() must return Integer for JAXB and "int" to satisfy the implementation.
Problem: Unmarshallable types inside collections and maps cannot be handled by JAXB.
Having an ArrayList with Objects, we don't wrap instances of the objects -> JAXB doesn't know how to marshall the objects, because we don't convert them into type wrappers.
1, Avoid type wrappers conversion at all, delegate types conversion on JAXB.
2, Generate Type Wrappers as now, but implement the type <-> type wrapper conversion inside custom XMLAdapters.
2, Dynamically generate the XMLAdapter classes for types that cannot be marshalled.
3, Use @XmlJavaTypeAdapter on package level to define supported type conversion
This way the type can be converted in any situation.
... to be implemented
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
* use a OSGi fragment to fix ExternalAttachmentsProvider
* use a custom CXF extension to dynamically map services to external policy file
* use Javassist and dynamic proxies to add @WebService annotation
* use Javassist to generate type wrappers for unmarshallable types
Problem: CXF is not able to generate correct WSDL from java proxies
The whole solution with dynamic proxies is bad. CXF doesn't want to create WSDL based on the annotation interface. It inspects the actual class and defined methods ... doesn't work with dynamic proxies.
Solution: Throw out dynamic proxies and generate services wrapper class using Javassist.
The prototype is semi-working, see further.
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
* use a OSGi fragment to fix ExternalAttachmentsProvider
* use a custom CXF extension to dynamically map services to external policy file
* use Javassist and dynamic proxies to add @WebService annotation
* use Javassist to generate type wrappers for unmarshallable types
* don't use dynamic proxies and generate wrappers for both services and unmarshallable types
Problem: ClassLoading problems
* ClassNotFoundException ... generated classes are loaded by a different classloader
* ClassCastException ... bundle classes are loaded twice, once inside generated classes and once using bundle classloader
Solution: We need custom ClassPool and class loader for defining classes that see all services & bundles classes.
Liferay AggregateClassLoader with WeekReferences is the perfect fit for bundle classloaders that will be dynamically added and removed when OSGi service is registered / removed.
We also need strictly delegating ClassLoader for instantiating CtClasses, because we don't override existing classes.
=> JaxWsClassPool with custom ClassLoader having AggregateClassLoader as parent.
This way generated classses are stored in the custom ClassLoader, existing classes are found using parent classloader - AggregateClassLoader which holds references to bundles' ClassLoaders.
Problem: method.getClass().getPackage() == null for generated classes???
CtClass.toClass() only creates the class object, but not package object. We can use javassist.Loader class loader to generate the package. See https://community.jboss.org/thread/93814?start=0&tstart=0
But, CtClass.toClass() calls directly ClassLoader.define() methods using reflection API => javassist.Loader.findClass() that creates the package object is not called => package is not created.
1. We cannot call CtClass.toClass() directly, but ClassPool.getClassLoader().findClass(CtClass.getName()).
2, We need our strict loading ClassLoader to be javassist.Loader:
JaxWsClassPool -> DelegatingLoader (extends javasssist.loader) -> AggregatedClassLoader (references bundles class loaders)
Problem: Primitive conversion: auto-boxing doesn't work using Javassist compiler.
Solution: We need to correctly cast types and convert them so that they match method signatures :/
* use OSGi
* use CXF
* use CXF version >= 3.0
* configure CXF programatically
* use install scripts
* use WS-Policy external attachments
* use a OSGi fragment to fix ExternalAttachmentsProvider
* use a custom CXF extension to dynamically map services to external policy file
* use Javassist and dynamic proxies to add @WebService annotation
* use Javassist to generate type wrappers for unmarshallable types
* don't use dynamic proxies and generate wrappers for both services and unmarshallable types
* use custom class pool with custom class loading architecture
* use type casting for primitives, auto-box primitives manually
Problem: Type wrappers with auto-boxed primitives cannot be used as original type instances.
There is a clash between a type wrapper implementing original type (model class) and the original type.
Having primitive field "int", the type Wrapper has Integer => getInt() must return Integer for JAXB and "int" to satisfy the implementation.
Problem: Unmarshallable types inside collections and maps cannot be handled by JAXB.
Having an ArrayList with Objects, we don't wrap instances of the objects -> JAXB doesn't know how to marshall the objects, because we don't convert them into type wrappers.
1, Avoid type wrappers conversion at all, delegate types conversion on JAXB.
2, Generate Type Wrappers as now, but implement the type <-> type wrapper conversion inside custom XMLAdapters.
2, Dynamically generate the XMLAdapter classes for types that cannot be marshalled.
3, Use @XmlJavaTypeAdapter on package level to define supported type conversion
This way the type can be converted in any situation.